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Modular Lounges are Functional in many Spaces

You have just bought a new home! Congratulations!. It has a pool, large bedrooms, beautiful kitchen. But it has a lounge room with one short wall moving into a corridor and one large wall facing the television. Your old lounge suite just won’t fit. Time to start looking for a modular lounge designed to fit your space. Modular lounges can be made to fit your dimensions by adding or taking away seats. In our recliner models you can have extra recliners added to maximise the seating (and relaxation) options.

Modular Lounges Brisbane

Many of today’s homes in Brisbane have large open spaces waiting to be filled by a new modular lounge. These Modular Lounges can be built to suit your space. If you want to add seats or take them off you can do it at Devlin Lounges. Measure your space, come out and see us in Sumner Park, 20 minutes west of Brisbane City and we can let you know how many seats to fill it. If you have a smaller space you can also reduce the size of your modular lounge to fit your space. Where else can you get the flexibility? Buy the lounge you want to fir your space- not a lounge to try and fit.

Leather Modular Lounges are Great for Brisbane Weather

Despite what many people say, leather is a great cover for your new sofa. Customers often say that they perspire on leather. We believe you perspire on both leather and fabric – its just on fabric it soaks into the fabric, where as with leather you merely wipe it off. This may be something that customers don’t really want to think about. They are more interested in if the colour will match their decor. But in Brisbane, the weather being hot and humid for a long time throughout the year, the upholstery product you choose can have a huge impact on your comfort.

We always say that it really depends on your room. If it is a hot room with minimal air circulation, you will be hot on either leather or fabric. So, choose whatever you feel comfortable with. Understanding this you can then choose either leather or fabric, in a modular or a recliner suite.

Modular Lounge Suites to fit unusual Spaces

So you have that unusual space. What to do? Well, first measure it, so you can come armed with as much information as possible. At Devlin Lounges you have several options in building the modular lounge to fit your space. You will want to measure:

  • The width of the area
  • The depth of the area
  • The height. Is there a window? Is the lounge exposed at the back?

The one thing to be aware of when looking at the option of buying a modular lounge is that from the rear view visitors will be able to see the gaps between the lounge pieces. If you can accept this, then the options are endless with how many seats that can be added.

Add Tone and Texture with Fabric Modular Lounges

So, you have decided on a leather modular lounge. Not so fast! Fabric Modular Lounges have their own advantages. The functionality of a Modular Lounge remains but now you have the option of adding tone and texture to your room with the 1000’s of choices of fabric from Warwick fabric.

Despite all the advantages of buying a 100% real leather lounge, sometimes fabric is the correct choice. Why? Well, leather is great, but it has a sameness of tonality and texture that is a feature of using a fabric. If you look at our factory fabrics you can also save a lot of money and purchase a cheap fabric modular lounge.

At Devlin Lounges you have a huge choice of models, configurations, covering and price to ensure you are happy when you receive your personalised modular sofa.